
I had what many would consider a wonderful life.  A good job, owned my own home, stock portfolio, 2 or 3 vacations a year.  I also believed that I had these things because I earned them. I deserved them. All that I had or would ever had was because of me, me, me.  

Then one day, it was all taken away from me.  I lost my job, my home, my money and very nearly my sanity.  I remember being in bed, which I had taken to and very rarely left anymore, and as usual I was crying.  I was in a depressed state, as was my husband.  We had begun talking of suicide.  We were hopeless.  

The TV was on and a program with Hal Lindsey came on.  It showed a picture of him in Jerusalem in what I believe was the room where they thought the last supper may have taken place.  Flames were coming out of Mr. Lindsey's back - it was the Holy Spirit!  That brought me to my knees!!! 

I began to pray and finally realized with all my heart that all that I ever had, had now or would ever have came from God.  I stopped thinking about me, me, me and began thinking about HIM! I felt the most blessed relief and hope began to invade my body!  Within 24 months I was given a new and better job, a brand new home, but most importantly of all I was given salvation!  

Praise God from who all blessings flow!  I pray that each and every person who reads this testimony or the testimonies of any other believer will be saved and come to the Lord Jesus Christ with a shout of Joy!  

In Christs Love, Tomi

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