thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.”
12:30. Since this is our commandment – and as we adhere to that
commandment with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength – how then can we
justify blaming God for the evil in this world?
God gets the blame for every
evil, horrible, senseless act of hate and destruction that occurs around the
planet. Look at all the people strung out on drugs and alcohol, and what about
all the senseless murders that are reported every day by our illustrious media
services? It’s always the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob, who receives the blame from those who have no understanding of God. It’s
never the Islamic god allah, nor any other false entity. Oddly enough, people
are quick to blame God, but refuse to even acknowledge the existence of His
adversary Satan. When we fail to see the true supernatural being who promotes
evil and who is responsible for the dismal state of affairs of this planet then
the tendency is to blame the Creator. Yet Satan is thedeceiver and the destroyer of souls. Satan is the reason we live
in a fallen world instead of a paradise. Eve fell for the serpent’s lies and
that began the downward spiral of man. But it was Satan masquerading as a
serpent who instigated the whole ungodly scheme.
Why does
God allow…? Why doesn’t God put a stop to…? If God loves us then why are we in
such…? Fill in the blank. These are frequently asked questions, but they are
always asked of God our Creator as though He were to blame. God is not the
progenitor of evil, Satan holds that title. No one wants to believe in a dark,
fallen, supernatural being like Lucifer (Satan) slithering around in the dark,
so most people point their finger at God when evil occurs.
Satan is,
according to the God of the universe, “…the
god of this world…” 2 Corinthians
4:4, which means that today just as in earth’s early history, that
fallen supernatural deceiver previously known as Lucifer or Light Bearer, should
take the blame for the direction we see humanity heading. Because of the fall of
mankind earth temporarily belongs to Satan, but his tenure as owner of and ruler
over earth is almost over. His home is about to be foreclosed on.
“This know also, that in the last days
perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves,
covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful,
unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent,
fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of
pleasures more than lovers of God;”
2 Timothy 3:1-4. We see all sorts of
menand women today immersed in immorality, being fully corrupt
in their hearts and minds, willing to inflict all forms of evil on others. The
news organizations flock to these extreme and sensational works of the followers
of Satan like sharks to the scent of blood. They seem to feed on the depravity
of humanity.
From the
beginning of time, men and women have been lured into the very dark arena of the
malevolent supernatural world through their own foolish choices and their evil
desires. As the hammer comes down on people who get wrapped up in lawless acts
that ruin their lives, they seem almost instinctively to assign the blame for
their predicament to God. Of course, many don’t even believe in God but the
blame must go somewhere, thus blaming God is seen in their warped brains as
justification of all their evil deeds.
Yes God
gets angry at our foolishness and there will be a time when He will allow the
ultimate hammer to fall. “For the wrath of
God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,
who hold the truth in unrighteousness;”
Romans 1:18. But blaming God for our
own self-indulgences and unbelief is indeed folly.
God told
Adam and Eve what to do and what not to do. God, being the Creator had the right
to dictate to these two how to live, but He would not force them to comply. Our
antediluvian parents disobeyed God’s directive. Thus they made the decision to
hand over the ownership of this world to Satan. Satan now has dominion over
earth and over the lost. Instead of blaming God, who gave us everything, we
should be striving to live an awesome life in unison with Him. We should be
loving Him and praising Him while turning our lives away from the things Satan
says are good and enjoyable. Satan’s secret agenda should be no secret at all;
he only wants to see all human’s destroyed. There now, it’s out in the open – no
more secret. “The thief comes only to steal
and kill and destroy…” John 10:10.
Satan, in
all his deceptions, works his evil upon us then places all blame for that evil
on our Creator God. He prefers to work his evil incognito. If we allow Satan
this free pass, the tendency of most people will be to write off all mention of
him as pure lunacy. But with every instance of hurt, pain, or suffering, hating
and blaming God becomes the norm – dismissing God from every aspect of life,
except when it comes to assigning blame, becomes altogether too easy. God never
wanted His Creation to experience pain and suffering, He doesn’t want to see us
hurt – as such we shouldn’t see Him as a mean, strict parent, but as a strong
loving God who heals our lives even after we’ve gone way off course. Because we
live in a world that has been cursed we must learn to live with the fact that
evil things are going to happen to us and to the ones we love – the closer we
get to the end the more frequent and persistent will that evil become.
exists, he’s a powerful and cunning supernatural entity, and he’s malevolent to
the core. We may view this world as beautiful, but in all actuality it is a
disfigured cesspool brought on by the father of all lies and the deceiver of
souls. Satan should be receiving the blame for the ills that have infected
mankind, and man should take responsibility for his own actions. God should be
given all praise, glory, and honor coupled with our undying love, but never
assigned blame.
You and I
have a Father, one who knows and blesses us by fulfilling our every needwhether we gratefully acknowledge Him or not. We’re God’s
creation, He would never think of us as rubbish even though we live on this
rubbish heap. God has loved us from before the creation of the world. He’ll
always love us even though He so unjustly receives such criticism and blame. God
is fully aware of the blinders deployed by the one who hates us. God explains
all this in His word which, because of those very blinders, so many reject.
As many
of us have found out, cancer is a part of life. But this world has an even
greater cancer which will soon be eradicated. Death is a part of life in a
fallen world, this is just a given that everyone has or should have grown
accustomed to; at any moment it can overtake us. Again, the one to blame for
death and disease is Satan, not our Creator God. Satan’s has usurped authority
over mankind through his deceit. This authority has one goal, to hurt, maim,
kill, and completely destroy men’s lives.
God, the
Creator of this universe, only wants us to see Him as He truly is, as our
Savior, Redeemer, Lord, and loving Father in Heaven. Mankind, for the most part,
has foolishly chosen to ignore God and allow Satan a free hand. God doesn’t
allow evil things to occur, Satan with his free hand makes evil occur. Satan’s
fixation has always been of pure hate; he hates mankind with a passion we can’t
even comprehend. When a loved one dies we hurt, and he knows it. But what Satan
does through deceitful means is to blind us of God’s perfect love while he
convinces us that the Creator of the universe should be the recipient of our
hate as we grieve for a loved one’s passing. In this realm Satan has been quite
make decisions that in many cases lead to hurt and suffering for them and their
family. Is this God’s fault? Should we blame God for the bad choices we’ve made?
Man’s rebellion to his God has created a lot of pain and suffering, most in
Christ believers simply see this as another part of living in a fallen world.
We’d all like to protect our loved ones from suffering pain or anguish, but
sadly there’s going to be occasion for everyone in this world to experience dark
times while they travel that valley of death. Placing God at fault for what
boils down to our free will decisions is foolishness.
We live
in a sin filled, fallen world where the worst “evil being” imaginable along with
a malevolent hoard of tagalongs are in charge. We shouldn’t focus our lives on
this invisible evil but we should be fully aware who is behind the full on
carnage that is destroying lives.
Yes, God
knows the nature of the beast that runs this world. God will one day soon take
all pain and suffering from us. Nothing will remain but love, peace, and joy as
we who are saved step from this world into our awaiting eternal domain of
the enemy’s technique of blinding humanity from seeing the truth of God has been
so effective in your life that even though you don’t believe there is a God, you
see no other recourse but to blame Him for every occurrence of misery that comes
down the pike. In that case, just be aware that the God who you deny loves you
so much He died a most horrific and agonizing death on a cross so you might have
everlasting life.
God will
not interfere with your decision to remain in unbelief while you assign
culpability to Him. But when you enter the eternal destination you’ve chosen,
which is Hell and total separation from God, you’ll be instantly confronted with
the reality of your life’s decisions. You will never blame God again, only
God bless you all,
Ron Graham
All scripture is from the KJV and God breathed
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